Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Knew It

So I went to a bar the other night and decided to waste some money on the jukebox. I figured there were $100 worth of songs in there before mine, so maybe I'd never even hear them, but sometimes everyone else thinks that too, and you get lucky and your song comes on right away. And you go "Hey! I played this! It really came on!" and that's fun. Even though everyone goes, "Really? This?" Anyway, so I play some songs and go back to sitting around drinking garbage beer. About an hour later, my songs still hadn't come on. I half-jokingly said "I bet it's not even hooked up to the speakers. I bet they just let the drunks funnel their money into the machine while the bartenders actually have their own iPod playing, but the drunks never notice and then they just leave."
After another hour, I started to believe my own conspiracy theory, so I decided to ask the bartender. "This might be a dumb question," I said, "but do the songs you play on the jukebox ever actually come on?" and she responded, "No, it's actually just hooked up to my iPod. How many songs did you play? I'll give you your money back." WHAT? Can you believe that? Can you imagine how many stupid drunk people pour money into that thing, thinking, "Gee, my song should come on any second now"? Never again.

And yes, the songs I was so sadly deprived of were all Ke$ha, 3 in a row, but that doesn't make it any less unfair.